“Gran Turismo” is a true story that follows an unlikely team of underdogs, including a struggling working-class gamer, a failed racecar driver, and an idealistic motorsport executive. Determined to challenge the world’s most elite sport, they risk everything in pursuit of their dream. The movie delivers an inspiring, thrilling, and action-packed narrative, showcasing the power of inner drive and determination. The film is directed by Neill Blomkamp, known for “Demonic” and “Greenland,” and written by Jason Hall, whose credits include “Thank You For Your Service” and “The Unforgettable.” Visit afdah movie for more!
Gran Turismo 2023
Gran Turismo
| August 25, 2023 (United States)
Director: Neill BlomkampWriter: Jason Hall, Zach Baylin, Alex TseStars: David Harbour, Orlando Bloom, Archie Madekwe
Summary: Based on the unbelievable, inspiring true story of a team of underdogs - a struggling, working-class gamer, a failed former race car driver, and an idealistic motorsport exec - who risk it a... Read all
Countries: United States, JapanLanguages: English