In his debut feature “Mob Land,” director Nicholas Maggio draws from cinematic influences like “No Country for Old Men” and “Collateral” to craft a rural noir. The story revolves around Shelby, a family man turned reluctant accomplice in a heist orchestrated by his reckless brother-in-law. As the heist goes awry, a relentless mob enforcer, Clayton, emerges with shades of Anton Chigurh. John Travolta’s portrayal of local sheriff Bodie Davis adds gravitas to the narrative as he navigates crime scenes with a world-weary yet observant demeanor. Despite its borrowed elements, Maggio manages to capture the despair of a town plagued by economic decline and addiction. Atmospheric tension and committed performances contribute to the engagement of this derivative yet absorbing tale. Visit afdah info for more!
Mob Land 2023
Mob Land
| August 4, 2023 (United States)
Director: Nicholas MaggioWriter: Nicholas Maggio, Rob HealyStars: Jake Arzola, Ashley Benson, Kevin Dillon
Summary: A sheriff tries to keep the peace when a desperate family man violently robs a pill mill with his brother-in-law, alerting an enforcer for the New Orleans mafia.
Countries: CanadaLanguages: English